Nadi pariksha and chikitsa
About the Department
Nadi pariksha (pulse examination) is the most ancient & effective diagnostic tool of ayurveda, it help to approach the diagnosis of disease as well as modern medicine system.
Nadi pariksha found in various ancient ayurveda samhitas like sharangdhar, bhavprakash , yogratnakar, ravan samhita etc.
Pulse diagnosis was initially identified in the books of Sharangdhar Samhita in the 13th century highlighting the correlation between Nadi and Tridosha, further in the 16th century it was mentioned in ‘Bhavprakash’. However, Nadi Pariksha gained its significance during the 17th century in Yogratnakara through 48 shlokas, detailing the science of Nadi. The examinations of Nadi Pariksha (Pulse examination) are evidence of many diseases as per Yogratnakara.
Ayurvedic pulse measurement is done by placing index, middle and ring finger on the wrist. The index finger is placed below the wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand (radial styloid). This index finger represents the Vata dosha. The middle finger and ring finger are placed next to the index finger and represents consequently the Pitta and Kapha doshas of the patient. Pulse can be measured in the superficial, middle, and deep levels thus obtaining more information regarding energy imbalance of the patient.