About the Department
This subject focuses on the diagnosis and understanding of diseases through the principles of Ayurveda. It combines traditional diagnostic methods with modern pathological concepts. Key areas include:
Nidan Panchak (Fivefold Diagnosis): Etiology (cause), prodromal symptoms, clinical features, diagnostic testing, and management.
Ashtavidha Pariksha (Eightfold Examination): Diagnostic methods such as pulse examination (Nadi Pariksha), urine analysis (Mutra Pariksha), and stool examination (Mala Pariksha).
Vikriti Vigyan (Pathology): Study of disease manifestation, progression, and the imbalance of doshas, dhatus (tissues), and malas (waste products).
This subject equips practitioners with the skills to identify diseases accurately and plan effective treatments.

Prof.(Dr.) Jyoti Gupta